Ontario Wildflowers website

Mystery Plants - 2004
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(#2004-12 to #2004-16)


A "Wild Bergamont (Monarda fistulosa) - Purple Bergamont (Monarda media) - Oswego Tea dilemma (Monarda didyma) ... Clarification requested!
I guess the main question here is ... where are the "colour boundaries" for each species?

0407Jul25 601 White Oak\WildBergamont 8709

This is Wild Bergamont for sure, I think.

It's usually a pale blue colour.

  • yes, it is M. fistulosa (CR)

0408Aug09 Dickson\WildBergamont0190

But this I am unsure about, as the colour is a richer blue, a little darker than usual. The difference in colour doesn't show up really well in this photo, unfortunately.

Is this still Wild Bergamont?


0408Aug03 Waterfront Trail\PurpleBergamont9742

I think this is Purple Bergamont.


0408Aug03 Waterfront Trail\OswegoTea9665

And I think this is Oswego Tea.



0408Aug09 Dickson\UnknownPlant1-0232
IDENTIFIED as Cowwheat

A small plant, about 10" tall or less.

This shows its overall shape/form.

  • Cowwheat (Melampyrum lineare) (CR)

0408Aug09 Dickson\UnknownPlant1-0226

A flower, which is about 3/8" long, tubular, white outside, yellow inside.


0408Aug09 Dickson\UnknownPlant1-0238

It has these seed pods.


0408Aug09 Dickson\UnknownPlant1-0229

Note the unusual leaves at the top of the plant. Farther down the stem, those pointy parts are absent.



0409Sep15 RBG North Shore York Rd HNC\UnknownPlant1-5380

IDENTIFIED as Round-leaved Cancerwort

Hamilton (Dundas), Royal Botanical Gardens North Shore, at the parking lot on York Road.

Prostrate plant, tiny flowers. Growing at edge of parking lot.

  • Round-leaved Toadflax (Kickxia spuria) (CR)

0409Sep15 RBG North Shore York Rd HNC\UnknownPlant1-5383


0409Sep16 RBG North Shore York Rd\UnknownPlant1-5380



0409Sep18 Schneiders Woods\Goldenrod5836

IDENTIFIED as S. altissima

Is this goldenrod...
*S. altissima (Late Goldenrod)
*S. canadensis (Canada Goldenrod) or
*S. gigantea (Tall Goldenrod)?

It's probably not Smooth Goldenrod, as the stem was not entirely smooth. I just included it in the list because these are the 3 famous and frustrating Goldenrods to differentiate.

Found at Schneider's Woods (Waterloo, Ontario), September 18/04.

  • It's S. altissima (WM)

0409Sep18 Schneiders Woods\Goldenrod5838


0409Sep18 Schneiders Woods\Goldenrod5840


0409Sep18 Schneiders Woods\Goldenrod5850



0408Aug18-21 Bruce Peninsula\10-Aug20 Cabot Head bush roads\UnknownPlant1-2332

Bruce Peninsula & James Bay

IDENTIFIED as Glaucous White Rattlesnakeroot (Prenanthes racemosa)

  • Glaucous White Rattlesnakeroot (Prenanthes racemosa) (CR)

0409Sep03-07 James Bay\Sep 4 Sat\km232 Broadback River\UnknownPlant1-3749


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