Ontario Wildflowers website

Mystery Plants - 2004
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(#2004-08 to #2004-11)



0407Jul10 Hwy 52 Tamarack Bog\UnknownPlant1-6913

IDENTIFIED as Three-way Sedge

A mystery sedge. I've seen this a number of places over the years.

This one was growing in a bog dominated by Tamarack trees.

These photos were taken in the first third of July, in southern Ontario near Hamilton.

  • Three-way Sedge (Dulichium) (CR)


0407Jul10 Hwy 52 Tamarack Bog\UnknownPlant1-6911

Close-up of the stem.


0407Jul10 Hwy 52 Tamarack Bog\UnknownPlant1-6908

A small colony of them.



0407Jul08 Niagara Glen, Gorge, Whirlpool\UnknownShrub1-6203
IDENTIFIED as WHITEBEAM Sorbus intermedia (TJ).

I found this shrub in the Niagara Glen, near Niagara Falls, Ontario.

It is growing right by a rock, back from the river. It's most likely a garden escapee of some sort.

It's only about 2-3 feet tall.

Photos taken in early July.

0407Jul08 Niagara Glen, Gorge, Whirlpool\UnknownShrub1-6201

Upper surface of a leaf.

0407Jul08 Niagara Glen, Gorge, Whirlpool\UnknownShrub1-6202

Underside of the same leaf.

Photo by Lois Dykstra

Here are 4 photos of the same type of tree, sent to me by a website visitor.

This photo shows the overall shape and form of the tree.

Also we see that it is indeed a tree, and not a shrub.

Photo by Lois Dykstra

The trunk

Photo by Lois Dykstra

Showing leaves and berries

Photo by Lois Dykstra

Close-up of the berries



0406Jun20 LaFarge Trail Con 10\Orchid1-3693


An orchid that I am unsure of.

Photo was taken late June in southern Ontario.

Location is in a wet area, almost a bog.

  • I think it is Platanthera clavellata (called Habenaria clavellata in Newcomb p.44). In English it goes by Green Wood Orchis in Newcomb, Club-Spur Orchid in Goodban's Regional Species Checklist, Green Fringed Orchis in OPL. (DG)
  • I'm pretty sure that this is Liparis (CR)

0406Jun13 Lafarge Trail Con 10 HNC\Orchid1-3515

Close-up view of the flowers.



0407Jul14 Luther Bog\NorthernGreenOrchid7641

IDENTIFIED as Northern Green Orchid (Plantathera hyperborea)

I have tentatively identified this as a Northern Green Orchid. However, I am unsure, and I seek confirmation of this (or correction!).

This photo was taken at the side of a road, next to a bog. The orchid was growing on the side of the road, not in the bog.

These photos were taken in mid-July,. southern Ontario, near the town of Arthur.

  • yes, P. hyperborea (CR)

0407Jul14 Luther Bog\NorthernGreenOrchid7638

A photo of the lower portion of the plant. There were several plants, all of which were less than foot tall.


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