Ontario Wildflowers website

Mystery Plants - 2004
Page 1 of 4
(#2004-01 to #2004-07)



0408Aug01 LaFarge Con 10\Unknown Plant1 9295

This plant has flowers that resemble those of Creeping Bellflower, except they are larger and white. The flowers were flowering on Aug 1 in southern Ontario.


0408Aug01 LaFarge Con 10\Unknown Plant1 9292

Leaves are rough on both sides, toothed, alternate. Heart-shaped at base of leaf.


0408Aug01 LaFarge Con 10\Unknown Plant1 9297

The whole plant. It is about 2 feet tall. It was growing on the edge of a gravel trail, which passes through a wet area. However, this plant was not growing in wet soil.

Possibly Campanula persicifolia alba (see http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~fedar/august204.htm) (CR)


0407Jul24 FBO Ferns of Saugeen\5-Moss Lake bog\Unknown Plant1 8608
This plant was growing in a bog near near the town of Durham Ontario (south of Owen Sound). Late July.
  • a nutgrass (Scheuchzeria) (CR)


0407Jul24 FBO Ferns of Saugeen\1-Picnic Area\Unknown Plant1 8309

IDENTIFIED AS Yellow Upright Mignonette (Reseda lutea)

Greenish flowers growing in a tall spike. What you see in this photo is approx. 8" tall.

These photos were taken in late July, near the town of Durham Ontario (south of Owen Sound).

  • Reseda lutea, Yellow Upright Mignonette (JP)


0407Jul24 FBO Ferns of Saugeen\1-Picnic Area\Unknown Plant1 8312

Close-up of the flower spike.


0407Jul24 FBO Ferns of Saugeen\1-Picnic Area\Unknown Plant1 8314

A leaf.


0407Jul24 FBO Ferns of Saugeen\1-Picnic Area\Unknown Plant1 8316

The overall shape & form of the plant. Growing at the side of a road.



0407Jul16 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown Plant1 7976

IDENTIFIED as Hoary Vervain

Photo taken mid-July, southern Ontario.

Plant was growing in an open dry field.

  •  Hoary Vervain (Verbena stricta) (CR)


0407Jul16 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown Plant1 7978

Leaves and form of plant.


0407Jul14 Luther Marsh\UnknownPlant1-7690


This mystery plant vaguely resembles Motherwort.

Photos taken in the rain, southern Ontario, mid-July.

The plant was about 5 feet tall, at the edge of woods, in a field environment.

  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) (CR)

0407Jul14 Luther Marsh\UnknownPlant1-7696

Close-up of leaf.

0407Jul14 Luther Marsh\UnknownPlant1-7692

Unopened flower buds at the top of the plant. There were smaller clusters of buds down along the stems where the leaves were attached.


0407Jul14 Luther Bog\UnknownShrub1-7665.jpg

IDENTIFIED as Bog Rosemary

Small shrub in a bog.

Photo taken mid-July, southern Ontario.

  • Bog Rosemary (Andromeda glaucophylla) (CR)


Habitat where this shrub was found.



0407Jul14 Luther BogUnknownShrub1-7682.jpg

IDENTIFIED as Bog Laurel

Small shrub in a bog.

Photo taken mid-July, southern Ontario, same location as #2004-06.

  • Bog Laurel (Kalmia poliifolia) (CR)


Habitat where this shrub was found.


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