Ontario Wildflowers website

Mystery Plants - 2004
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0409Sep27 Chesney Cons AreaUnknownPlant1-6715.jpg


This mystery plant seems to be a vine. It grows in bogs/wet areas.

I found this one growing at Chesney Conservation Area, near Drumbo, Ontario.

It grows up and bends over, eventually touching the ground where it roots and grows up again. It is very strongly rooted where it touches the ground -- it's hard to pull it free. It's almost like a vine.

This photo shows a branch growing towards the ground.

  • Water Willow (Justicia americana, or even possibly ovata) (RH)
  • Decodon verticillata  (Swamp Loosestrife) (CR, WM)

0409Sep27 Chesney Cons AreaUnknownPlant1-6717.jpg

Detail of the growing tip.

0409Sep27 Chesney Cons AreaUnknownPlant1-6719.jpg

Detail of leaves along the vine.


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