Identifying Violets
Here are some pointers to aid in identifying Violets.
Key points to observe when identifying
- stemmed vs. stemless
- flower colour
- leaf shape
- does the flower have any scent
- flower size
- flowers above, at, or below the level of the leaves
- hairs inside flower: what petals they are on, quantity, and are
they clavate (club-tipped)
- habitat: wet or dry, woods or open area, in water
- size of flower spur
- auricles ciliate or not
- auricles extend back or not
Stemless Violets
- LeConte's Violet (Viola affinis)
- flowers normal size
- leaves narrowly heart-shaped with tapering tips, most are
longer than broad
- deciduous woodlands, NOT open fields, NOT bogs
- flowers at about same level as leaves
- sepal auricles poorly developed
- lateral petals bearded; lower petal sparsely bearded
- Marsh Blue Violet (Viola cucullata)
- flowers normal size
- clavate (club-tipped) hairs
- lateral petals bearded
- flower light blue
- flowers darker toward center (but throat is white): outer
part is pale violet, then darker toward center, then white
- flowers: white form sometimes found
- lower petal veined and shorter
- flowers on very long stalks; flowers above leaves
- wet woods, marshes: variety of habitats, but all wet
- sepal auricles well developed, very prominent
- sepals frequently ciliate
- Northern Bog Violet (Viola nephrophylla)
- wet areas, in water, bogs
- flowers normal size
- flowers well above leaves, or at top of leaves
- lateral petals bearded
- lower petal bearded
- lower petal longer
- flower dark blue, white throat
- lateral petals directed forward at an angle
- sepals not ciliate
- leaves just unfurling at flowering time
- Sweet White Violet (Viola blanda)
- Northern White Violet (Viola macloskeyi)
- tiny white flowers - the smallest of all
- flowers fragrant
- damp but not wet areas
- Kidney-leaved Violet (Viola renifolia)
- small white flowers
- leaves: most are kidney-shaped
Stemmed Violets
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