Other common names:
Common Silverweed, Silvery Cinquefoil Other scientific names: Argentia anserina, Argentia litoralis, Argentia vulgaris, Argentina argentea, Potentilla egedii, Potentilla yukonensis French names:
Potentille ansérine Family: Rose Family (Rosaceae) Flowers: Summer; Yellow; 5 parts (petals) Leaves: Compound Habitat: Fields and Open Areas, Wet Areas Grows in Sun/Shade:
Sun Books: Newcomb's Wildflower Guide: 182 Native/Non-native:
Native Photographs:
103 photographs available, of which 10 are featured on this page. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHOTOGRAPHS.
Silverweed has buttercup-like yellow flowers.
a Silverweed plant.
Silverweed usually grows in sandy areas.
Nice pattern of Silverweed on sand. This plant spreads by runners.
Silverweed leaf.
A closeup view of a leaf shows how this plant gets its name of Silverweed.