Ontario Wildflowers website

Species Blooming in Winter

The flowering seasons as they are used on this website are not the strict calendar seasons (ie, summer starting on June 21, etc). A rather loose definition is used. Therefore you may find a species listed under both Spring and Summer if it blooms, say, from late May through mid June.

On this website, Spring refers to species that bloom from mid-March through to about mid-June. Summer covers the period from about early June through to the end of August. Fall covers the period from sometime in late August through to the end of November. And Winter is the period from December through March.

This is a list of species blooming in Winter on this site, in order by the Common Name that is used for each species on this site.
To see all  Winter Blooming Species  in order by Common Name     START HERE

Spring      Summer      Fall      Winter


Spring      Summer      Fall      Winter

To see all  Winter Blooming Species  in order by Common Name     START HERE


Aconite, Winter (Eranthis hyemalis)
Aconite, Winter
(Eranthis hyemalis)
Scilla (Scilla siberica)
(Scilla siberica)
Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)
Skunk Cabbage
(Symplocarpus foetidus)
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
(Galanthus nivalis)

Spring      Summer      Fall      Winter

To see all  Winter Blooming Species  in order by Common Name     START HERE