Ontario Wildflowers website

Site Inventories
Sudden Tract - Plant Inventory

Sudden Tract is a natural area in southern Ontario that harbours a very high diversity of species. The property is comprised of several ridges, in between which there are areas of marsh, shrub swamp, and swamp. I started maintaining a plant inventory of the area. Here is my list.
Introductory Notes
  • I use Newcombe's Wildflower Guide for common and scientific names (except for ferns, trees & shrubs – I use Soper for shrubs, Farrar for trees, and the Owen Sound Field Naturalists fern book for ferns)
  • Please bear in mind that if there are obscure varieties of a species, I have not taken them into account. I use Newcombe's for 90% of my plant ID work.
  • This list is solely the result of my own work. I have not added species that others have found.
  • There is of course the possibility that I made some errors in identification. If there is a species listed here that is erroneously identified, I welcome corrections & advice -- please email me.
  • I have not updated the scientific names - the ones used here are from Newcombe's
  1. Acalypha virginica - Three-seeded Mercury
  2. Acer negundo - Manitoba Maple
  3. Acer rubrum - Red Maple
  4. Acer saccharinum - Silver Maple
  5. Acer saccharum - Sugar Maple
  6. Achillea millefolium - Yarrow
  7. Actaea rubra - Red Baneberry
  8. Actea pachypoda - White Baneberry
  9. Agrimonia gryposepala - Agrimony
  10. Alisma plantago-acquatica - Water Plantain
  11. Alliaria officinalis - Garlic Mustard
  12. Alnus glutinosa - European Black Alder
  13. Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
  14. Amphicarpa bracteata - Hog Peanut
  15. Anemone quinquefolia - Wood anemone
  16. Anemone virginiana - Thimbleweed
  17. Anemonella thalictroides - Rue Anemone
  18. Apocynum androsaemifolium - Spreading Dogbane
  19. Aquilegia Canadensis - Wild Columbine
  20. Aralia nudicalis - Sarasaparilla
  21. Aralia racemosa - Spikenard
  22. Arctium minus - Common Burdock
  23. Arisaema atrorubens - Jack-in-the-Pulpit
  24. Asarum canadense - Wild Ginger
  25. Asclepias exaltata - Poke Milkweed
  26. Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed
  27. Asclepias syriaca - Common Milkweed
  28. Aster cordifolius - Heart-leaved Aster
  29. Aster lateriflorus - Calico Aster
  30. Aster macrophyllus - Large-leaved Aster
  31. Aster novae-angliae - New England Aster
  32. Aster puniceus - Purple-stemmed Aster
  33. Aster sagittifolius - Arrow-leaved Aster
  34. Aster umbellatus - Flat-topped White Aster
  35. Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern
  36. Betula alleghaniensis - Yellow Birch
  37. Bidens cernua - Nodding Bur Marigold
  38. Bidens connata - Swamp Beggar Ticks
  39. Boehmeria cylindrica - False Nettle
  40. Botrychium virginianum - Rattlesnake Fern
  41. Calla palustrus - Water Arum
  42. Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
  43. Campanula aparinoides - Marsh Bellflower
  44. Campanula rotundifolia - Harebell
  45. Carex plantaginea - Plantain-leaved Sedge
  46. Carpinus caroliniana - Blue Beech
  47. Carya ovata - Shagbark Hickory
  48. Caulophyllum thalictroides - Blue Cohosh
  49. Ceanothus americanus - New Jersey Tea
  50. Cephalanthus occidentalis - Buttonbush
  51. Chelone glabra - Turtlehead
  52. Chrysosplenium americanum - Golden Saxifrage
  53. Cichorium intybus - Chicory
  54. Cicuta bulbifera - Bulblet-bearing Water Hemlock
  55. Cicuta maculate - Water Hemlock
  56. Circaea quadrisulcata - Enchanters Nightshade
  57. Cirsium vulgare - Bull Thistle
  58. Clematis virginiana - Virgins Bower
  59. Clintonia borealis - Yellow Clintonia
  60. Coptus groenlandica - Goldthread
  61. Cornus alternifolia - Alternate-leaved Dogwood
  62. Cornus canadensis - Bunchberry
  63. Cornus oblique - Silky Dogwood
  64. Cornus racemosa - Grey Dogwood
  65. Cornus rugosa - Round-leaved Dogwood
  66. Cornus stolonifera - Red Osier Dogwood
  67. Crataegus spp. - Hawthorn species
  68. Cuscuta gronovii - Common Dodder
  69. Daucus carota - Wild Carrot
  70. Desmodium canadense - Showy Tick Trefoil
  71. Desmodium glutinosum - Pointed-leaved Tick Trefoil
  72. Diervilla lonicera - Bush Honeysuckle
  73. Dipsacus sylvestris - Teasel
  74. Dryopteris carthusiana - Spinulose Wood Fern
  75. Dryopteris cristata - Crested Shield Fern
  76. Echium vulgare - Viper's Bugloss
  77. Epifagus virginiana - Beech Drops
  78. Epilobium spp. - Willow herb species
  79. Epipactis helleborine - Helleborine
  80. Equisetacae - Horsetail species
  81. Erigeron annuus - Daisy Fleabane
  82. Erigeron philadelphicus - Common Fleabane
  83. Erythronium americanum - Trout Lily
  84. Euonymus obovatus - Running Strawberry Bush
  85. Eupatorium maculatum - Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
  86. Eupatorium perfoliatum - Boneset
  87. Eupatorium rugosum - White Snakeroot
  88. Fagus grandifolia - American Beech
  89. Fraxinus americana - White Ash
  90. Fraxinus nigra - Black Ash
  91. Galium asprellum - Rough Bedstraw
  92. Galium lanceolatum - Lanced-leaved Wild Licorice
  93. Gaultheria procumbens - Wintergreen
  94. Geranium maculatum - Wild Geranium
  95. Geranium robertianum - Herb Robert
  96. Geum canadense - White Avens
  97. Geum rivale - Purple Avens
  98. Habenaria psycodes - Smaller Purple-fringed Orchis
  99. Hamamelis virginiana - Witch Hazel
  100. Helianthus divaricatus - Woodland Sunflower
  101. Hepatica Americana - Round-lobed Hepatica
  102. Hypericum perforatum - Common St. Johnswort
  103. Hypericum punctatum - Spotted St. Johnswort
  104. Hystrix patula - Bottlebrush grass
  105. Ilex verticillata - Winterberry
  106. Impatiens capensis - Spotted Touch-me-not
  107. Impatiens pallida - Pale Touch-me-not
  108. Iris versicolor - Larger Blue Flag
  109. Juglans nigra - Black Walnut
  110. Larix laricina - Tamarack
  111. Leersia oryzoides - Rice Cut Grass
  112. Leonurus cardiaca - Motherwort
  113. Lespedeza intermedia - Wandlike Bush Clover
  114. Lillium michiganense - Michigan Lily
  115. Linaria vulgaris - Butter-and-Eggs
  116. Lobelia inflata - Indian Tobacco
  117. Lonicera canadensis - American Fly Honeysuckle
  118. Lonicera spp. - other Honeysuckle species
  119. Lotus corniculatus - Birdsfoot Trefoil
  120. Luzula pilosa - Hairy Wood Rush
  121. Lycopus uniflorus - Northern Bugleweed
  122. Lysimachia thrysiflora - Tufted Loosestrife
  123. Lythrum salicaria - Purple Loosestrife
  124. Maianthemum canadense - Canada Mayflower
  125. Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern
  126. Medeola virginiana - Indian Cucumber Root
  127. Medicago lupulina - Black Medick
  128. Medicago sativa - Alfalfa
  129. Melilotus alba - White Sweet Clover
  130. Menyanthes trifoliate- Buckbean
  131. Mitchella repens - Partridgeberry
  132. Mitella diphylla - Mitrewort
  133. Monarda fistulosa - Wild Bergamont
  134. Monotropa uniflora - Indian Pipe
  135. Nasturtium officinale - Watercress
  136. Oenothera biennis - Common Evening Primrose
  137. Oenothera fruticosa - Sundrops
  138. Onoclea sensibilis - Sensitive Fern
  139. Osmorhiza claytoni - Sweet Cicely
  140. Osmunda cinnamomea - Cinamon Fern
  141. Osmunda claytoniana - Interrupted Fern
  142. Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern
  143. Ostrya virginiana - Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood)
  144. Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper
  145. Pedicularis Canadensis - Wood Betony
  146. Phragmites spp. - Phragmites species
  147. Phryma leptostachya - Lopseed
  148. Physocarpus opulifolius - Ninebark
  149. Pilea pumila - Clearweed
  150. Pinus strobes - Eastern White Pine
  151. Plantago lanceolata - English Plantain
  152. Plantago rugelii - Red-stemmed Plantain
  153. Podophyllum peltatum - Mayapple
  154. Polygala paucifolia - Fringed Polygala
  155. Polygala paucifolia f. alba - Fringed Polygala white form
  156. Polygala senega - Seneca Snakeroot
  157. Polygonum coccineum - Swamp Smartweed
  158. Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas Fern
  159. Populus balsamifera - Balsam Poplar
  160. Populus tremuloides - Trembling Aspen
  161. Prenanthes altissima - Tall White Lettuce
  162. Prenanthes trifoliata - Tall Rattlesnake Root
  163. Prunella vulgaris - Heal-all
  164. Prunus serotina - Black Cherry
  165. Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
  166. Quercus alba - White Oak
  167. Quercus rubra - Red Oak
  168. Quercus macrocarpa - Bur Oak
  169. Ranunculus abortivus - Small-flowered Crowfoot
  170. Ranunculus sceleratus - Cursed Crowfoot
  171. Rhamnus cathartica - Common Buckthorn
  172. Rhamnus frangula - Glossy Buckthorn
  173. Rhus radicans- Poison Ivy
  174. Rhus vernix - Poison Sumac
  175. Ribes Americanum - Wild Black Currant
  176. Ribes Hirtellum - Wild Gooseberry
  177. Rosa blanda - Smooth Rose
  178. Rubus allegheniensis - Common Blackberry
  179. Rubus pubescens - Dwarf Raspberry
  180. Rumex orbiculatus - Great Water Dock
  181. Sagittaria latifolia - Common Arrowhead
  182. Salix discolor - Pussy Willow
  183. Salix lucida - Shining Willow
  184. Salix spp. - other Willow species
  185. Sambucus canadensis - Common Elder
  186. Sambucus pubens - Red-berried Elder
  187. Sanguinaria Canadensis - Bloodroot
  188. Sanicula marilandica - Black Snakeroot
  189. Satureja vulgaris - Wild Basil
  190. Scutellaria epilobiifolia - Marsh Skullcap
  191. Scutellaria lateriflora - Mad Dog Skullcap
  192. Sium suave - Water Parsnip
  193. Smilacina racemosa - False Solomon's Seal
  194. Smilacina stellata - Star-flowered Solomon Seal
  195. Smilax herbacea - Carrion Flower
  196. Smilax tamnoides - Bristly Greenbrier
  197. Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet Nightshade
  198. Solidago altissima - Tall Goldenrod
  199. Solidago caesia - Blue-stemmed Goldenrod
  200. Solidago flexicalis - Zigzag Goldenrod
  201. Solidago graminifolia - Grass-leaved Goldenrod
  202. Solidago patula - Rough-leaved Goldenrod
  203. Solidago rugosa - Rough-stemmed Goldenrod
  204. Sonchus arvensis - Field Sow Thistle
  205. Sparganium eurycarpum - Great Bur Reed
  206. Spirea alba - Narrow-leaved Meadowsweet
  207. Symplocarpus foetidus - Skunk Cabbage
  208. Taenidia integerrima - Yellow Pimpernel
  209. Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
  210. Taraxacum erythrospermum - Red-seeded Dandelion
  211. Taraxacum officinale - Common Dandelion
  212. Taraxacum palustre - Marsh Dandelion
  213. Thalictrum dioicum - Early Meadow Rue
  214. Thalictrum polygamum - Tall Meadow Rue
  215. Thelypteris palustris - Marsh Fern
  216. Thuja occidentalis - Eastern White Cedar
  217. Tilia Americana - Basswood
  218. Torillis japonica - Hedge Parsley
  219. Trientalis borealis - Starflower
  220. Trifolium pratense - Red Clover
  221. Trifolium repens - White Clover
  222. Trillium erectum - Red Trillium
  223. Trillium grandiflorum - Large-flowered Trillium (White)
  224. Tsuga Canadensis - Eastern Hemlock
  225. Tussilago farfara - Coltsfoot
  226. Typha angustifolia - Narrow-leaved Cattail
  227. Typha latifolia - Common Cattail
  228. Utricularia vulgaris - Common Bladderwort
  229. Uvularia grandiflora - Large-flowered Bellwort
  230. Vaccinium myrtilloides - Velvetleaf Blueberry
  231. Verbena urticifolia - White Vervain
  232. Veronica officinalis - Common Speedwell
  233. Viburnum acerifolium- Maple-leaved Viburnum
  234. Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry
  235. Viburnum rafinesquianum - Downy Arrowwood
  236. Viburnum Trilobum - Highbush Cranberry
  237. Violla blanda - Sweet White Violet
  238. Viola pubescens - Downy Yellow Violet
  239. Viola papilionacea - Common Blue Violet
  240. Vitis spp. - Grape species
  241. Waldsteinia fragarioides - Barren Strawberry
  242. Zizia aurea - Golden Alexanders