Ontario Wildflowers website

Mystery Plants - 2005
Page 1
(#2005-01 to #2005-02)



0502Feb03 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown-Plant1-8363.jpg

IDENTIFIED as Great St. Johnswort (Hypericum pyramidatum)

February 3/05:

Field, Hockley Valley Provincial Nature Reserve (near Orangeville)

  • campion of some kind? (DG)

  • Giant St. Johnswort -- H.pyramidum or something like that (CR)


0502Feb03 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown-Plant1-8364.jpg

Resembles Columbine, but it's not.

Stem is very smooth. Leaves opposite. Plant is about 3.5-4 feet tall.

Growing in open field.


0502Feb03 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown-Plant1-8373.jpg

A view of the whole plant.



0502Feb03 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown-Plant2-8441.jpg

IDENTIFIED as European Gromwell ((Lithospermum officinale)

Hard, tiny white seed capsules?

This is just a fragment of the plant. I did not find the plant itself, but just this small branch, lying under a cedar tree at the edge of a field.

Could these be some sort of insect gall or cocoon or eggs?? Probably not ... there are plants with seed capsules like this.


0502Feb03 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown-Plant2-8436.jpg

Closeup view.


0502Feb03 Hockley Valley PNR\Unknown-Plant2-8442.jpg

With tape measure to show size.

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