Ontario Wildflowers website

Purple Bedstraw
Galium latifolium

Purple Bedstraw (Galium latifolium) Other common names: Spear Wild Licorice, Torrey's Wild Licorice

French names: Gaillet lancéolé

Family: Bedstraw Family (Rubiaceae)

Group: Bedstraws

Flowers: Spring;  Blue/Violet;  4 parts (petals)

Habitat: Fields and Open Areas, Meadows

Grows in Sun/Shade: Sun

Origin and Meaning of Names:
 Scientific Name: latifolium: broad-leaved

Photographs: 6 photographs available, of which 2 are featured on this page. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHOTOGRAPHS.

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Purple Bedstraw (Galium latifolium) plant

Purple Bedstraw is a tiny plant.

Purple Bedstraw (Galium latifolium) flowers and plants

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